How to Share PDFs

2 minute read
How to Share PDFs

There are many benefits to the PDF format. Information is printed exactly as it appears in the document, switching to PDF cuts paper costs and PDFs are secure enough to send out to anyone. Its clear PDFs are taking over and we felt it would be helpful to examine how to share PDFs.

There really would be no point in spending time perfecting a PDF file, only to be left with no simple options to get it out to the world.  Especially when PDFs can be opened on any device, including mobile options, which gives you a wider audience to reach. Virtually anyone can receive and open your file, you will benefit from knowing how to share PDFs.  

You’ll need a tool like Soda PDF, then you’ll create and edit your PDF files as needed. Once ready, you have a couple of options for sharing your PDF.

How to share PDFs via email

The simplest way to share PDFs is using an email platform. The benefit of sending by email is you control who accesses this file.

When working in Soda PDF, send the email from within the application.

  • Click on the Envelope.
Share PDF via email -How to send PDF to email - Soda PDF
  • You can also right-click anywhere on the document while the Edit mode is ON and select the Send PDF command from the context menu.
  • Select the Email option.
How to send PDF file to email - PDF to email - Soda PDF

A New Mail message will open in Outlook with your PDF attached and ready to be sent. 

Alternatively, you can go into any email provider you have an account with. There will be an Attach option any time you compose a new email. Browse your computer and choose the PDF that is saved and it will be sent with your email.

How to share PDFs via a link – Using your IT department. 

In the event you have access to an IT department with server space, get them to create a link for your PDF. The main advantage here is you can customize your URL, letting you send out the file without anyone needing to create an account in a third-party system.

The downside of this method is that without the infrastructure in place, it won’t be possible.

All you need to do is give them your PDF and tell them the URL that you want to use. They can upload the file to a server and provide you with that URL.

Please note unless you have access to the server yourself, any time you make changes to your PDF, your IT department will need to re-upload the PDF file.

No matter how you go about sharing your PDF files, we encourage you to download Soda PDF and create some new documents.

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